Alternative Suspension Accountability Program (A.S.A.P)
When students are suspended or expelled from school, it is a critical moment in their lives. Will they continue in school? Who will embrace them? How will they see themselves?
ASAP receives students in 6th-12th grade and coaches them towards restoration and through online classes towards graduation from their high school.
Suspensions are often transformed into life-changing seasons of growth as ASAP students are reinstated to their schools, are more on track to graduate, gain trusting relationships with Escape staff, have access to academic and personal support after their suspension.
ASAP typically accepts students with suspensions of at least 10 days in Holland, West Ottawa, and Zeeland schools, as well as some homeschool situations. Transportation is available in the Holland/Zeeland area! If you are seeking Alternative Programming at this time, please reach out to our Education Director at Education@escape-out.org.
Questions? Contact Taylor Dolan, Education Director at Education@escape-out.org
Four Pillars Of ASAP
Students are part of a peaceful learning environment and learn valuable coping skills to find personal peace.
Students work towards restoring their identity, their relationships, and their academic standing.
Academic Progress
Students work diligently to finish entire courses, improve study skills, and return to school.
Personal Growth
Students set personal goals towards jobs, friendships, activities, hobbies, or higher education.
Here's how you can help!